Friday, November 20, 2009

mySpot | New Moon - The Vampires and the Wolves

I was really hesitating to watch this 'new moon' movie. I thought watching it would disappoint me when I am currently watching the 'Vampire Diaries' series. But still, I tried and it was just 'ok'.

I know it was supposed to be a love story. The story is , again, 'ok' and some of the characters were boring... Except for one.

I was so amazed by the character of Jane (Dakota Fanning). She was so brilliant and her role as a vampire was very nice. I mean, she's fit to be a vampire. I just felt sad that her appearance wasn't that too long, but then I heard that she's still be on 'eclipse'. So that's the only thing I wanted to see and that's what will make me wait for the new movie.

There was this one scene which I find very funny. It was when Bella was trying to drive the motorcycle and she bumped into the rock, then there was blood in her head. Then Jacob rushed into her and he suddenly removed his shirt and used it to wipe out the blood on Bella's face. I thought, why do they need to do that??? But then suddenly I realized they did to get the viewers attention and they did it... The people started to giggle and make funny sounds. That's the first time I saw an accident in the movie and the next thing they did was that.

And the ending wasn't good enough... It's like there is no effect or whatsoever. It's just like Edward asking Bella to marry him and the next thing that happened is the screen went black and that's it. It's like something in the end was missing... It could be some emotions or feelings or just the way Edward delivered the line... I don't know but never mind.. The movie is not bad at all... It was a little bit good...

I'm just gonna wait the next movie.. Not because of them.. but because of Dakota Fanning... She was really good! Till here.. Ciao!

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