Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Random Thoughts | December Déjà vu - Double 22

Every Month End, I make sure that my calendar is already displaying the next month so when I look at it on the next month, its ready.

This time, I forgot to do it... And while my co-worker was checking some dates from my calendar, he was surprised to see this double 22... Funny, because one of my favorite numbers is 22...

This is definitely an error with the makers of this calendar... It could be a typographical error or something else...

But if you widen your imagination, this could mean something else... It could be a sign or should I play the lottery with this numbers...

Or... this might have to do with the winter solstice... Its the time when the night is longer on which this night might extend for more than 24 hours and skip 23 of December.

This is not edited.. I still have some photos here...

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